Image details...
Camera: Canon 20Da, f/5.6, ISO 800
Date/Time: 5/7/2008 8:40:01 PM
Exposure: 0.6sec
Lens: 17.0 - 85.0mm at 35.0mm

But since we were out there, I did get some pics of the moon through my telescope ... The horizon is not great, so I couldn't get Mercury in mine. Besides which, it would still have only shown up as a dot in a photo through that scope. So here's the moon...
Why is the sky so dark considering the time I took it? Well, I applied auto-color in PS7...
Image details...
Camera: Canon 20Da, ISO 800
Date/Time: 5/7/2008 8:18:51 PM
Exposure: 1/60sec
Lens: Astro-Physics Starfire 152mm (6") f/9 refractor